beyond up tasks

by be beyond



beyond up tasks is a mobile app that digitizes the task management processautomating the recording of activities of technical professionals. The flow ofDaily work is managed quickly and intuitively through the calendar ofchores. Thus, each of the employees can see what activities they havepending to manage on the same day, maintaining the organization andfocusing its efforts on closing them as soon as possible.This mobile application facilitates the registration of the work carried out during the visit, thussuch as the time of entry and exit, stating the service offered tothe clients. Finally, it automatically saves your consent throughthe digital signature and automatically sends all the information by mailelectronic.In addition to the registration of tasks and communication with the client, beyond tasksautomates stock control, facilitating the management of incoming productsand leave the warehouse through code reading.Its integration with CRM beyond up allows to save all the information of theservice immediately, remaining available to any memberof the equipment that needs it.What advantages does beyond tasks provide?✔Integrated with CRM beyond up✔ Report tasks automatically.✔ Unique daily tasks calendar for each technician.✔Communication, collaboration and transparency between professionals.✔ Registration of visits with time of entry and exit.✔Customer signature directly in digital after performing the service.✔ Saves all the information on the management of activities and contact with customers.✔Automatic sending of the summary of the visit and the necessary documentation by mail.✔Reading of stock codes.✔Control of entry and exit of products from the warehouse and sending information to othersteam members.✔Efficiency and productivity in the day-to-day technical service.